Milk is the most complete food that undoubtedly exists in nature. It is not accidental that is a unique food for babies and infants and very basic foodstuff in childhood and helps development of bones and is an excellent source of calcium. As it is rich in protein, carbohydrates, lipids, vitamins and trace elements, metals, should include in our daily diet of an act against obesity and diabetes and lowers blood pressure. There are different types of milk, but what is the best and what is it that distinguishes between them? To destroy microorganisms in milk using a heat treatment which depending on the intensity of sets and life of milk. According to <fresh pasteurized milk> the existing legislation is only one that has undergone pasteurisation. Fresh pasteurized milk must have been edited in 71,7 ° c for 15 seconds. Has a lifespan three to five days in the refrigerator. The advantage is that with this treatment decreases the characteristic smell of milk which is most pleasing to him. The label <fresh pasteurized>of the report as. However, there is a high-temperature pasteurized milk and, having undergone a heat treatment at + 127oC to + 110oC and packaging marked with the words ' high-temperature pasteurized Milk. "it keep in the refrigerator for 20 days – 30. attempt for long-term maintenance of milk while retaining nutrients led to the production of sterilized milk where the <long duration milk> label as <u.h.t>. It is still good food but you must fill in these vitamins from a destroyed during the process of sterilization. it may be kept for up to 6 months. Finally the evaporated milk or evaporated, which is from milk which has full evaporation of water part. In milk due to the heat treatment have destroyed many vitamins such as B, C and d. it has useful life up to 1 year. Eventually the milk with a lower heat treatment is the best one for our diet and the treatment that has suffered so much and more of the nutrients are destroyed. So it is preferable to include in your daily diet fresh pasteurised milk and low-fat, especially this one and it has been shown that it is easier to lose weight with a diet containing milk and yogurt with a low-fat and high in calcium content helps to loose fat.
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